Iyanla Fix My Life!
Iyanla Vanzant came to the National Association of Black Journalists Convention to help us fix our lives. Hosted by the lovely new NABJ Emerging Journalist of the year Natasha S. Alford, Iyanla spoke about the airing of "dirty laundry" versus facing the human condition. She advised us to be careful of our energy and who we let in. She encouraged us to have a daily spiritual practice and to create a vision for our lives so we aren't living at the whim of what shows up. Lastly, she reminded the room full of Black journalists to cover stories about children who are left behind due to their parents' incarceration. We can't forget about them and their safety if they have a parent or both parents in jail.
I adore Iyanla and her spiritual guidance that isn't centered around religion or church. I hope whoever reads this takes a few words of wisdom that heals your soul and moves your mind into action by calling on God to help you fix your life. #dothework #nabj2018 #meetmeintheD